Dating old oil cans
Dating > Dating old oil cans
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Dating > Dating old oil cans
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Click on link to view: ※ Dating old oil cans - Link ※ Sheila1993 ♥ Profile
Minor Scratches and wear as per photo. This is done to allow the user to get more information or clarification as they proceed through the key.
Thus, we now can be quite certain that this milk bottle was made between 1925 and 1930, which is consistent - though much more precise - than the date range arrived at above. See the page for more information on the subject. This example will date two slightly different examples of the same patent or proprietary medicine Hall's Balsam for the Lungs to illustrate how the Dating page questions can differentiate the age of different versions of the same type bottle made for a lengthy period. These milk bottles will also virtually always have a diagnostic mold seam horizontally encircling the outside of the finish and a distinct on the base.
Oops! - Before jumping into the key, it must again be emphasized that no single key can get a user to an absolutely precise date for any bottle.